1. What do the following commands say:
     ifup --version
     ifup --verbose eth0
2. What are the contents of:
   (if it exists - I use Debian Lenny and I am not familiar
    with CentOS 5.5)

On Mon, 2011-02-14 at 13:06 +0200, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:
> Hi Omer,
> On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 12:50 PM, Omer Zak <> wrote:
>         Hello Hetz,
>         1. Does the virtual machine have additional network cards
>         (eth1, eth2,
>         etc.)?  If yes, you may be accessing the network via those
>         cards rather
>         than via eth0. (Statement about proper routing withstanding.)
> Nada. eth0, lo - nothing more.
>         2. Which Linux distribution is running in the virtual machine?
> Centos 5.5 64 bit + updates.
>         Google search (rtnetlink answers network is unreachable)
>         yielded the
>         following possibilities:
>         - Misconfigured IP address in firewall script.
> No new IP addresses were added. Default firewall configuration.
>         - Network card does not exist (as far as the virtual machine
>         is
>         concerned).
> exists, I'm ssh'ed to this machine as I write this mail :)
>         - Misconfigured network card.
> I posted the configuration here. Looks OK to me.
>         Two of the URLs I got from the above Google search:
> Looked at both of them. Didn't see anything special which could help.
> Hetz
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