Hello Gilboa,

On Mon, 2011-05-09 at 09:43 +0300, Gilboa Davara wrote:
> > > 1. Kernel version?
> > Standard Debian Squeeze kernel:
> > $ uname -a
> > Linux c4 2.6.32-5-vserver-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Mar 7 23:14:47 UTC 2011
> > x86_64 GNU/Linux
> I'd consider trying a kernel from debian-testing or rolling your own.
> As I said, at least in my experience, the interface "feel" of 2.6.38 is
> -far-, -far- better than previous kernels.

The shell "feel" is OK - when I want to open another shell, one opens
promptly (does not need any disk I/O as the relevant executables are
still cached in memory thanks to already-open shells; and there are idle

So I am not in hurry to install a more recent kernel.

> > > 2. Are you sure your SATA is in AHCI mode?
> > > (Simply type: $ find /sys/devices | grep ahci)
> > 
> > My SATA indeed runs in non-AHCI mode.
> > 
> > The question now is how to configure it to run in AHCI mode?
> > According to the Wikipedia article
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Host_Controller_Interface, I need
> > to modify a BIOS setting and maybe create a new initrd image.
> > Another source:
> > http://www.techmetica.com/howto/sata-ahci-mode-bios-setting.-what-does-it-do/
> > 
> > I can handle the BIOS setting but how to check whether a new initrd
> > image is needed, and if necessary create it?
> First you'll need to enable it in your BIOS. (Usually under SATA
> controller mode, under advanced settings)
> If you cannot seem to find this option, trying searching for a BIOS
> upgrade for your motherboard.
> If it's enabled, and somehow your kernel haven't picked it up, check
> that CONFIG_SATA_AHCI is enabled in your kernel .confing. ($
> cat /boot/*config* | grep AHCI)
> ... If it does, you may need an updated kernel that better supports your
> SATA chipset. (Which board is it?)

My kernel is configured to have AHCI as a module:

However I understand that it means that this module is needed also in
the initrd image.  How can I check which modules made it to the initrd
image last time it was rebuilt?

--- Omer

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