On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 3:48 PM, Geoff Shang <ge...@quitelikely.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> This one has me *really* stumped.
> A user uploaded some files via FTP to a server running ProFTPd.  Now if one
> logs into the FTP server, one can see the files that have been uploaded.
>  But nothing else can.  I can't see them at the shell and I also tried
> writing a PHP code fragment to list the directory and it can't see them
> either.
> The FTP server listings even survived a restart of ProFTPd.
> Any thoughts?  Are these files really there or not?
This is pretty... obvious... but I'll ask anyway. "You can't see it in the
shell" - means you've scanned the whole server, from / and down, and didn't
see them? Or just the location where you *think* the files are supposed to
be, which you may be disagreeing with the FTP server upon...

-- Shimi
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