Please - this view needs to be uprooted.

OpenMosix was just a highly PR-ed fork of the real software, MOSIX.
Mosix is very maintained and fully developed  by a group of researchers from
HUJI. The latest news is that it supports sharing accelerators using openCL,
which I find very interesting.

Credit where credit is due.


2011/8/14 Etzion Bar-Noy <>

> OpenMosix, but it I's hardly usefull for most usages, old, not really
> maintained,  and very expensive. Why do you need it?
> Ez
> On Aug 14, 2011 9:07 PM, "Hetz Ben Hamo" <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Few years ago I heard about an app which can connect few servers "behind"
> it
> > - and show itself as a single cpu (single machine), so if you ran an
> > application on this app, it would do the "magic" of dividing parts to
> other
> > servers and "combining" them back.
> >
> > Anyone remember the application name or URL for it?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Hetz
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