Re-sending.  (I asked -owner@ why the original hadn't been moderated
through, but haven't heard back.)

----- Forwarded message from Daniel Shahaf <> -----

> Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2011 04:44:02 +0300
> From: Daniel Shahaf <>
> To:
> Subject: [OT] Self-employed's office
> Message-ID: <20110925014402.GA10126@daniel3.local>
> [ Hopefully this isn't too off-topic for this list. ]
> I'm located in the Tel-Aviv area.  These days I'm working remotely
> (under several different hats), but working from home is getting a bit
> long in the tooth, so I've been wondering what other options I have.
> There are cafés, of course, and a search has turned up coworking places
> in Raanana, Tel-Aviv, and Modiin.  (I can post the links if there is
> interest.)
> So, the question I had was where can I work, and the above is the answer
> I have so far.  I assume folks on this list might have further, different,
> or better answers, and I'd be happy to hear some of them.
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Daniel

----- End forwarded message -----

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