On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 11:20:10PM +0200, Omer Zak wrote:
> I have two PCs in a LAN.  One PC has Debian Squeeze installed on it, and
> the other - Debian Wheezy.
> The Debian Squeeze PC has regular Internet access.
> The Debian Wheezy PC is blocked from sending E-mail to the Internet.
> I need to report a bug in Debian Wheezy.
> I ran reportbug on the blocked PC.
> Of course, it cannot send E-mail directly to the Debian bug tracking
> system.  I used the appropriate option to save the bug report as a file.
> The file is ready for transmission to my ISP's SMTP server - it has all
> the appropriate headers and MIME encodings etc.
> The problem:
> How to actually send the file?
> If I use my regular E-mail client (Evolution), and attach the bug report
> to my message, Debian BTS does not accept it.
> I have also mutt and bsd-mailx installed but I don't know if and how to
> use them to send the file.
> What should I RTFM in order to find how to actually send the file?

mutt -H #?

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzaf...@jabber.org | VIM is
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