On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 2:37 PM, Erez D <erez0...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hello
> i have and external USB hard-drive size 2TB, mounted as ext4. (ubuntu 10.10
> amd64)
> every time there is a power failure. i need to do a manual fsck on this
> disk. and this takes around an hour ...
> i am looking to replace the ext4 file system with something better:
> 1. stable
> 2. more resilient to power failures
> 3. short fsck time
> 4, supported out of the box (i may want to mount this external disk on other
> computers with other linux distros e.g. centos).
> what can you recommend ?
> thanks,
> erez.

That's odd.
At work I've got a number of Fedora 17 machines w/ ext4, (with our w/o
software RAID) and a *very* flaky power network.
As a result, from time to time one of our el-cheapo UPS' dies and the
machines forcefully powers down.
Thus far, I've only seen ext4 goes into full fsck once or twice.

... Have you checked the drive's ext4 settings? Maybe Ubuntu installer
was too paranoid?

- Gilboa

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