I don't have experience with ATI but they should work. I don't know how the drivers are.

NVIDIA works great for me, but I use the propriety drivers, not nouveau as I need the GPU for CUDA/OpenCL. CUDA is nvidia only, OpenCL at least under windows works on ATI, NVIDIA and ivy bridge Intel GPUs and all CPUs, but you need appropriate drivers. Under Linux I know that OpenCL works on NVIDIA and AMD with propriety drivers, CUDA works under NVIDIA with the same limitation. AMD used to have some limitations with their OpenCL implementation in terms of memory transfer rates and kernel launch delays, I believe that these have improved. I don't know if Intel has a driver for Linux.

To sum things up, you are probably OK with both options, but you will need to use propriety drivers for OpenCL/CUDA at this point, and I believe that if you go propriety, NVIDIA has a better driver.

All modern cards have at least two ports, the cheaper ones may have one DVI and one VGA, the higher end ones can go up to three or four displays with multiple DVI and HDMI or display port.

If the CUDA code is older, you may be better getting the older 5xx series NVIDIAs, as NVIDIA did some hardware changes that makes writing code for kepler a bit harder. They also increased compute power but not memory speed, so not all codes benefit from the increase. If you do want to run CUDA/OpenCL with a worthwhile speed, I would go for the gtx 570 (Fermi) or the gtx 670 (Kepler). If you skip CUDA you can go for middle end cards.

On 10/09/2012 06:44 AM, Ira Abramov wrote:
Ahoy maties!

The time has come for me to upgrade some of my antique hardware, and I
have ordered myself a nice mega-monitor with the ass-whooping resolution
of 2550X1440. This means the old VGA on board won't do and I need to
look at higher-end stuff (DVI-D at minimum). I googled this issue quite
a bit, limiting google for results only from the last month and still
I'm not sure who do we not-hate this month (I suppose I'm looking at ATI
and nVidia)

- have it play nice with Xorg (Debian/Ubuntu).
- preferably FOSS drivers, but only if rock solid.
- preferably a GPU that supports CUDA/OpenCL (though the only client I
   have for it ATM is BOINC https://boinc.berkeley.edu/wiki/GPU_computing )
- preferably dual-port, so I can send a signal to a secondary
- No special gamer mad features needed. The most 3D I'll do with it is
   probably Desktop Cube :)

Thanks in advance!

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