On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 10:27 AM, Oleg Goldshmidt <p...@goldshmidt.org>wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 10:05 AM, Elazar Leibovich <elaz...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > I'm considering to disallow concurrent ssh sessions on a single-purpose
> > production machine (say, DB server).
> >
> > I thought of replacing the default shell with a shell that keeps its pid
> > file in a central place. If such a file already exist, it'll kill the
> other
> > running shell before logging in.
> Can't you use MaxSessions and/or MaxStartups in sshd config for this?

This options, as far as I can tell, drops new connections. I don't want to
have a locked server, so I always allow new sessions to kill old ones. But
never run concurrently.

(There's a slight issue of scp not working, but this can be taken care of,
by less privilleged user which is allowed in, just for rsync/files)

> Whatever you do, make sure sshd kills sessions after some appropriate
> timeout, otherwise you may find yourself in trouble... ;-)

No problem with my scheme, if sshd won't kill old sessions, new sessions
will... (or maybe I misunderstand you).

> --
> Oleg Goldshmidt | p...@goldshmidt.org
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