On 2012-12-08 15:50, Steve G. wrote:
1. We might not care about their bad TV, but THEY DO. Notice that I wanted to listen to radio.  So it is still a valid complaint, and one that the IBA, as a customer facing institution, funded by tax money paid by everyone, should want to address.

Let us also not allow the best to become the enemy of the good. The fact that there are other places to complain about should not stop us from addressing the current problem and issue.

2. Give me/us the address to complain to the NII and I will write them as well. Maybe one address for the tech support guys, and another for consumer complaints.

3. While I agree with you on the priority, the usage level, in my eyes, is vastly different. We use the NII , online, a few times a year at most, while, if we listen to Israeli radio or watch TV shows, you'd use the site several times a day at least.

As you know, the multiple of the level of nuisance and its probability is what adds up to impact, so it may well be that IBA, a minor frequent nuisance, is more pressing than the rare, more serious one of the NII.
This is not a one site vs. another doing a favor for a small user groups. It's about a general law, rule, norm that should have been developed in the social/political realm. If it would have been, the country, private business, general public, would have ADHERE TO STANDARDS (as you wrote), and restrain from using solutions that require people to use proprietary, paid for or not devices/software. needless to say that in a few rare cases with really good reason there may be exceptions to this -probably what the dunces in NII & IBA see in there case, if they can see at all.

I think it is all water under the bridge now. More and more users including the management of the sites themselves are using Droids, chromes etc. and are getting bit daily by there incompetent solutions. I would think they are on top of the problem, of fixing the sites, as budget permits. On the other hand they're way behind at understanding, let alone admitting, there wrong doing that got them & us to this state in the first place. We could scream harder or differently in the next run, but I doubt it -regretfully we are not pros in the political realm:-)

Have a Good Week!

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