I do not know about buying XP, I believe that it is only still available for some corporate clients, not individuals. I think that there is a way to migrate an existing installation to a virtual machine, which may be a way to use your cd. https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=51203

On 2/7/2013 23:28, Steve G. wrote:
I am thinking of running it Windows XP virtual machine under VirtualBox on Ubuntu. I have a CD, but suspect it is only for the original Dell it came with.

Is there any way to get a (legal) copy of WinXP Home Premium that I can use to install the VM, or for that matter a WinXP VM that I can use? I don't mind paying a little money for it ($10-20) if I have to, but above the low threshold, I'd simply use it an a dual boot Windows, and use Linux when I do not use windows.




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