On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 08:27:34AM +0200, Amichay P. K. wrote:
> Hello linuxer's,
> I am trying to create custom Ubuntu live distribution.
> I was trying to use tools such as UCK, remastersys and more, but I find
> them weak and without enough options that I need.
> As I said, I need to make this distro live, but I also need some programs
> to be installed and configured automatically for the live user, and I can't
> really find any useful info about this online.
> So I'm looking for two things - documentation about creating custom Ubuntu
> distro manually, and how to save settings, files, profiles and programs to
> be used as default by the live user.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks in advance, amichay.

http://live.debian.net/ should also support Ubuntu.

It is not intended to b used for rmastering, rathr: for building from
scratch. You can use rmastering-like methods in two ways:

* Custom system at run time, copy over your changes, and rebuild (for
  changes of the user: place them under /etc/skel).
* Through persistence:

That said, why not just install an Ubuntu system on a USB stick?

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzaf...@jabber.org | VIM is
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