On Sat, Jul 6, 2013 at 8:41 AM, Shachar Shemesh <shac...@shemesh.biz> wrote:

>  On 06/07/13 08:33, Ori Idan wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 6, 2013 at 7:06 AM, Shachar Shemesh <shac...@shemesh.biz>wrote:
>>  On 04/07/13 17:34, Ori Idan wrote:
>> There are several software packages I wrote that are all accepted.
>> The best one I can recommend is:
>> http://www.ifreelance.co.il
>> Free of charge for most cases. Also has an API for use from ecommerece
>> websites.
>> Can send invoices by mail (not free, requires purchase of digital
>> signature for 100 ILS a year)
>>  Linet is a fork of my Drorit software and unfortunately copied all the
>> bugs I had and add more of their own. Although it is accepted by the Tax
>> authorities it has few bugs that render it useless such as creating
>> transactions for non tax invoice (Heshbonit Iska) I wonder How they got
>> their tax certificate with this bug since it is illegal.
>>  How do you figure that it is illegal?
>> If it is illegal, why did the Knesset go to all this bother to pass a law
>> that *requires* clients to accept a performa invoice from small
>> businesses?
> Proforma invoice by itself is legal.
> What is illegal is creating transactions as it if was an invoice.
> Are you saying it is illegal to create an accounting program that tracks
> payment done על בסיס מזומן? If so, how is a big company that receives a
> performa invoice supposed to track it?
Again you did not understand me.
It is illegal to treat proforma as if it was an invoice and thus create
double transactions.
Since you will issue an invoice when you get the payment.

Ori Idan
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