
I'm maintaining a small HTTP proxy library that allows you to eavesdrop
HTTP requests. Someone reported a bug which I cannot recreate, so I'm
trying my luck here. [repost from golang-nuts, where I didn't get an

It seems to work on my machine, but a user still complain.

I could use two forms of help:

1) Test it on your environment and report the results.

$ mkdir ~/gopath2
$ GOPATH=~/gopath2 go get github.com/elazarl/goproxy/examples/eavesdropper
$ # add ~/gopath2/src/github.com/elazarl/goproxy/ca.cert as a root CA to
your browser
$ ~/gopath2/bin/eavesdropper
# use HTTP proxy at localhost:8080, browse to a https site, and see if you
get warnings

2) Generally speaking, I don't really know too much cryptography in
general, or TLS/SSL in particular. If you do, have a look at the code and
explain my mistakes.
    Most of the logic is here:

The way it does that is:
1) goproxy have a builtin CA certificate, hard coded into a variable. It's
generated with http://golang.org/src/pkg/crypto/tls/generate_cert.go
2) Given a CONNECT foo.com:443 proxy request, it would:
3) Generate a certificate for foo.com and sign it with the builtin CA,
4) Submit this certificate with the certificate chain: [new_cert, CA],
using crypto/tls package.
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