On Sun, Jan 05, 2014 at 11:33:07AM +0200, Rabin Yasharzadehe wrote:
> After trying to fix several cheep/Chinese tablets/phones for my family and
> friends, i took an oath to never buy a cheap Tablet/Phone ever - just
> because there is no support.
> What I can tell you from my experience with this kind of devices, is that
> you can't trust the name - use an application like Elixer to find all the
> information you can on the device hardware
> most of the time, the CPU will be a MediaTek cpu (a cheep one not the 8
> core the made it to the news),

MediaTek is not the only one of those. /proc/cpuinfo can give some
initial hints.

> (most of this Chinese devices are created the same way, and rebranded for
> who ever pay/distribute them)
> Then you need to Google and find a forum (not XDA) which talk about this
> device, and if you lucky some one else compiled a vanilla Android for it.
> from my experience i never was so lucky, because there are some drivers
> compatibles issues, and some times you need a custom kernel to boot a newer
> version of android on this devices.

I wonder if propr Linux support is easier to find. At least for some of
those. Some of them (AllInWonder, though not MediaTek) have been hitting
mainline recently.

> As for USB OTG and other devices, you probably will need to compile the
> modules (or find them online) and push then to the device manually, and
> then use the terminal to modprobe them.

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzaf...@jabber.org | VIM is
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