Hi Erez,

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 09:14:16AM +0300, Erez D wrote:
> I am using centos 6 and  developing for an armel platform
> i created a rootfs using multistrap/debbootstrap
> i copied qemu-arm-static to rootfs/usr/bin/qemu-arm-static

Is this QEMU built for your host (presumably x86) or your target (ARM)?

Do you really need to run QEMU on your target?

> and i was astonished that doing just 'chroot rootfs' worked, without
> explicitly telling 'chroot' to use qemu-arm-static - somehow it decided
> automatically to run everything under qemu-arm-static without me telling it
> to.
> after a restart of the server. rootfs does not work anymore automatically,
> i get a "chroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error"
> doing "chroot rootfs /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static /bin/bash" does chroot, but
> i get : "bash: /bin/cat: cannot execute binary file" (although
> rootfs/bin/cat is a perfectly ok armel binary, tested on the armel target).
> i also checked the md5sum of the rootfs/qemu-arm-static binary, and it is ok
> i mounted the rootfs on the armel target using nfs, and chrooted from the
> target, and it works perfectly, meaning there is nothing wrong with the
> rootfs filesystem

Chrooted from what target? Is it a hardware ARM system? QEMU?


> as it wonderously worked, now it wonerously  doesn't
> tryed googleling for it , but still cant find how to make it work
> any idea ?

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