1. Good luck!
2. The last time we did an installation party, we actually did a
configuration party: people find it easy to install, but they sometimes
need special software, or have a problem installing it - that killer app
for which they set up linux to begin with.  It is also more interesting for
the volunteers. I suggest considering.

On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 9:57 PM, E.S. Rosenberg <esr+linux...@g.jct.ac.il>

> There is currently some low key talk of arranging a linux install party
> for new students (and others interested) at Givat Ram.
> Nothing specific as yet, the TA still needs to get back to us whether or
> not there is enough interest.
> But I want to ask already if there is is enough interest are there people
> on the list interested in helping out?
> Thanks,
> Eliyahu - אליהו
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