Hi Rabin and all!

On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 3:43 PM, Rabin Yasharzadehe <ra...@rabin.io> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I inherited a legacy application/code which was originally written in
> PHP4, and letter on was "upgraded" to PHP5.
> the code is (mostly) a collection of individual pages which are stitched
> some how together to form a working web-application.
> the code base is quite big and I'm looking for a tool which can create
> some sort of a (visual) work-flow view of the code, just so I could get a
> overview of the application.
> I googled a bit and found a tool called phpCallGraph which won't run and
> it seems is not minted any more.
> Some one on stackoverflow
> <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2719734/php-application-flow-graph-or-function-call-graph>
> suggested to use xdebug profiling option and visualize the result with
> KCacheGrind, but it didn't give me what is hopping for - a workflow.
> Do anyone have any suggestion for a tool which can help me to get a
> work-flow for the application ?
> Thanks in advance
I don't have a 100% working suggestion off hand, but perhaps this old
article about reflecting/introspecting PHP code will help -
. In addition, perhaps writing something using a PHP parser will work.

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