
Thanks everyone for your recommendations, both on list and off. I really appreciate them all.

Firstly, it seems Unlimited is not available in our area, so that's no longer a consideration.

We contacted Bezeq today about their offerings, and they mentioned a new business-class service called Secure Internet (in Hebrew). It's 50/5 mbps as opposed to the regular 100/3 mbps, and is a good deal more expensive, but comes with certain service guarantees (this is a business service).

You can use it with any ISP, but they recommend Bezeqint, Tripple C or Xphone.

I recall hearing good things about Tripple C, possibly from here, and I also got a recommendation about them just now from a lister.

We are tempted to go with this Secure Internet and Tripple C. I haven't been able to find anything about this secure thing online, and would be interested to know if anyone here knows anything about the service, particularly its technical aspects (you can't ask sales reps this sort of thing).

Apparently this service uses different equipment (they said something about Checkpoint).

Also thanks for the info re third-party modems/routers. I wasn't aware this was an option (I've had no luck finding VDSL modems in the past), so will definitely look at this.

Thanks again,

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