On Sun, Nov 11, 2018 at 5:48 PM Boruch Baum <boruch_b...@gmx.com> wrote:

> On 2018-11-11 17:26, Constantine Shulyupin wrote:
> > I am using this bash functions for years:
> > https://gitlab.com/makelinux/lib/blob/master/snippets/load-watch.md
> AAARGH! OH NO! It's gitlab!
> I have a quasi- pet-peeve against gitlab because of its needless
> javascript and XHR requirements. Just in order to simply _view_ your
> script, I needed to to use a GUI browser (instead of a text browser),
> and to allow nine separate javascript elements from two separate source
> to do whatever mysterious things they want to try doing. Even then,
> all that wasn't enough - I needed to further allow two more XML
> requests.
> I encourage anyone open to listening to avoid using gitlab and other
> sites / packages that have similar attitudes to javascript.
> end rant; I feel better now.

Use the "raw" url:

curl 'https://gitlab.com/makelinux/lib/raw/master/snippets/load-watch.md'

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