> From: Omer Zak <w...@zak.co.il>
> Date: Wed, 18 May 2022 20:10:59 +0300
> > And yes, his views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are skewed and
> > sometimes border on the silly, but if you think boycotting us is
> > wrong, then why do you suggest boycotting him?  Why is it that a
> > single point of disagreement is enough to call for an ostracism?
> I would not boycott him due to his views on the Israeli-Palestinian
> conflict. Not even if he'd advocate for the DS part of BDS.
> My issue with him is that HE BOYCOTTED ISRAELI INSTITUTIONS not
> approved by the Palestinians. He supported, by his actions, the B part
> of BDS.

If you distinguish between his views and deeds, you don't know RMS.
This is the man who never uses a smartphone, or a Web browser with
JavaScript support, because that could cause him to use non-Free
software.  His views and his deeds are inseparable: he acts on his
views immediately and without any compromises.  Thus, if some of his
views are incorrect or silly, so will be the deeds.  I don't always
agree with his radical approach to these matters, but I admire his
ability to live 110% according to his principles; you won't find many
people capable of that.

> He chose to boycott. He should bear the consequences of this choice.

He already have: by refusing to talk in our institutions back then he
was deprived of our attention and our support, and heard some quite
unfriendly remarks, which were well deserved.  Now he does want to
talk (or so it seems; I have no knowledge about his purposes except
what I've read here).  We should encourage people to reassess their
views, not try "punishing" them out of pure vengeance.

> I don't think we'll lose by this.

Your opinion, to which you are entitled.  I don't think it's based on
anything substantial, but even if it is, why should you take upon
yourself to decide for others whether they will hear something new and
useful, and might lose by not hearing that?  IME, one can usually take
something useful out of hearing a smart person, even if one disagrees
with some of his views.

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