On Fri, Mar 24, 2000 at 05:22:30PM +0530, Kedar Patankar wrote:
> Hi,
> > I am porting a multithreaded application to Linux from UNIX(HP-UX)
> > What could be the porting issues that I need to address 
>       I worked with hp-ux sometime back. IIRC, HP-UX thread model is
> basically identical to posix-threads, which is the same that libpthread
> provides on gnu/linux.
>       So I don't think you would have any major issues with the porting
> thing.

The API is the same. But the models are likely to be different. Don't
know what HP-UX does - but if it does anything similar to Solaris (as is
likely) - the main areas of trouble are: if your app expects to do getpid
from different threads and expects the same pid, it doesn't work on Linux.
Basically other OSes treat the process as a container for many threads. In
Linux that relationship is more of peer-to-peer.

And performance related assumptions - creating a large number of threads 
is not ok on Linux. Switching between threads requires an entry and exit
from the kernel.


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