
*** Problem ***
About 2-3 months back at ILUG bangalore meet there was a problem when trying to
install Debian 2.1 on a new Athlon system. The kernel (2.0.3x) on the Slink CD
wouldn't work with the new system. 

Recently for a friend, I had to create a Linux on floppy system. I thought of
taking the short cut here and thought of basing it on the Debian rescue disk.
I had Debian 2.0 CDs at home. So got its rescue disk and found it fitted his
job requirement. Now the only problem was the old kernel and some scsi cards. 

*** Solution ***
On looking at the Debian Rescue disk I found that it uses the Sys Linux
(don't remember names) (linux on Floppy) package. This provides a very easy
method for updating the Kernel image and Root Ramdisk image. It uses FAT
filesystem on the floppy and these 2 images are files on this FAT fs. 

So if one is stuck with the Current stable Debain Distros and a new system.
And don't want to try or doesn't have hands on the Potato (unofficial ) images.
Then this is the step to follow.

Create a floppy using the rescue.bin file on your CD. Then Compile your own 2.2
kernel keeping in mind the drivers required for your system. Copy it into the
Rescue floppy as a file named LINUX (overwriting the original Linux kernel image
on the floppy in the process). Once you are thro here you should be able boot
from this floppy on your new system without any problem.

*** Caution ***
Due to many changes between the 2.0.x and 2.2.x kernel series some packages in
your Debian system may not work properly with the 2.2.x kernels. An ideal
starting point in indentifying these packages is, as usual, to look at
the Changes file in your Linux kernel source package (it should be under the
Documentation directory).

*** Note ***
So for those who want to play it safe may be its better to look at the
latest stable Debian 2.1  release (i.e the 2.1rX series).

Keep :-)

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