last day had this strange inspiration of installing red hat 5.2 , and since have never 
used fips ,
decided to give it a try also, before starting :
disk  1 : c: primary 1.5 GB
disk2: D: primary :2GB
          E: logical : 2GB

so used fips ( from hard-disk) and created 2 partitions out of D: of 600 MB and 1400 
MB . this 1400 MB
partition was then deleted. disk druid showed this free space on disk2 , added swap 
partition, but when
i added "/" of 1200 MB it said , "boot partition too large" , can't allocate, tried 
reducing the size ,
no luck, then used fdisk , created 2 partitions swap+native  , again same problem. i 
must have pressed
one button more somewhere , to cut a long story short now my partition table is :

disk2 : 1. 2 GB extended
            2.D: 600 MB  primary
i never did any formatting , but apart from this 600 MB can't access any data on disk 
2 now , is there
any way to retrieve this data ?? i did not create root/boot image before usinf fips, 
but suppose i get
another machine which has the same partition info as i had earlier, is there any way 
to restore my
earlier partition info and get data using this ??

waiting ...


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