Hi All,
I have the following problem with lilo boot:
I am using Win 98 and Linux 6.1(Redhat) with Lilo boot for selecting
O.S. at boot time. I installed Win 98 first and next installed Linux as
"Gnome workstation defauli" (Nov 99 PCQ CDROM). When machine starts the
default OS selected is Linux. I want to make Win98 as the default O.S.
I have done the following but it doen't help. Any ideas will be helpful.
1. I changed defalt O.S. with liloconf and made DOS as default but still
the machine starts with Linux as default.
2. I checked the /etc/lilo.conf file in this file the default is set to
DOS also but the ,achine starts with Linux as default when started.
Any help witll be very helpful.
Thanks in advance for the suggestions.
Sarat Kumar Patra, Sr. Lecturer
Dept. of Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
Regional Engineering College, Rourkela, ORISSA-769 008, India
Fax: +(91-661)-571169, +(91-661)-572925
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