On 29 Mar 00, at 5:57, Sathya Rangaswamy wrote:

> I am not sure If i can agree
> Are you refering to specific modules that are not available under 
python ?.
> Please elaborate as I feel you can accomplish the same task 
using perl or python
> it is simply a matter of experience and personal liking.  

Since Perl has been around for a looong time, there are a multitude 
of readymade scripts available from CPAN and other places.....Also, 
for specific and repetative tasks involving running back and forth 
between database and requests, perl is simpler. In such cases, 
Python can be a pain, though modules are available. 

As somebody has already said, Tom Christiansen's comparision of 
Perl/Python is worth a look.....

Anyway, Python as a language is far more "elegant" than PERL. 
ANd yes, it IS a case of personal preference.....u tend to do things 
with tools u are comfortable with :)

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