On Sat, Apr 01, 2000 at 08:21:39PM +0300, Ivan Miranda wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm wondering how to properly install and manage multiple distro's of linux 
> using a large 20 gig harddrive. I have used Fips and Disk Druid that comes 
> with RH 6.1 with no success. I know of the 1024 first sector size 
> limitations for linux and don't know how to get around this.

You need a small partition (big enough to hold kernels) - /boot on redhat,
within the first 1024 sectors. Though you may be able to get the distros
to share a /boot, it's risky. The other alternative is to have a /boot
for each distro.

> Also how do I setup my primary drive to let me run two to three flavors of 
> Linux along with win9x,WinNT without having to buy System commander or 
> another boot manager?

LILO can boot WinXX. So you need a big lilo.conf with entries for all of
the distros + WinXX. Optionally, you can install LILO in the first sector
of each of your distro partitions. Then your "master" LILO would just
chain to the per distro LILO. Refer to LILO documentation for this.

One of the limitations of Linux is that it forces you to use a partition
per filesystem. Due to the DOS legacy, you can't have an infinite number
of partitions. A better design is to create your own data structures
inside the partition, the way BSDs do it.


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