
Here are various stats on the linux-india-help mailing list for the month of
March 2000.  Please let me know if you find such statistics useful (or having a
postive effect on your ego ;-).  If enough people find this useful I will write
scripts that post these to the lists automagically on a monthly basis.

Size:   1022 listed subscribers
List Statistics:

    Total Messages:              1853
    Total Original Body Lines:   22273
    Total Body Lines:            48062  (54% noise)

Sorted by messages posted:
                                       Total     Total  Total
                                    Messages  Original  Lines:
                                      Posted:    Lines:

   1:    Rohit                            141       934  2121  (56% noise)
   2:    Arun Sharma                       98       818  1947  (58% noise)
   3:    Suresh Ramasubramanian            81      1329  2398  (45% noise)
   4:    Shanker                           70       666  1366  (52% noise)
   5:    Binand Raj S.                     58       751  1281  (42% noise)
   6:    Nick Hill                         48       895  2654  (67% noise)
   7:    Sudhakar Chandrasekharan          46       579  1035  (45% noise)
   8:    Archan Paul                       44       335   948  (65% noise)
   9:    Devdas Bhagat                     43       292   922  (69% noise)
  10:    Kedar Patankar                    43       477   896  (47% noise)
  11:    Gaurav Yadav                      41       858  1490  (43% noise)
  12:    SHRIDHAR N. DAITHANKAR            41       384  1322  (71% noise)
  13:    Syed Khader Vali                  39       679   954  (29% noise)
  14:    Rajesh Fowkar                     32       344   849  (60% noise)
  15:    Jiju Thomas Mathew                30       265   604  (57% noise)
  16:    Sathya Rangaswamy                 25       286   503  (44% noise)
  17:    Mrinal Kalakrishnan               25       314   596  (48% noise)
  18:    VIBHU RISHI                       24       272   679  (60% noise)
  19:    Sthitaprajna                      21       309   516  (41% noise)
  20:    Vinubalaji.G                      20       178   982  (82% noise)

Sorted by original lines posted:
                                       Total     Total  Total
                                    Messages  Original  Lines:
                                      Posted:    Lines:

   1:    Suresh Ramasubramanian            81      1329  2398  (45% noise)
   2:    Rohit                            141       934  2121  (56% noise)
   3:    Nick Hill                         48       895  2654  (67% noise)
   4:    Gaurav Yadav                      41       858  1490  (43% noise)
   5:    Arun Sharma                       98       818  1947  (58% noise)
   6:    Binand Raj S.                     58       751  1281  (42% noise)
   7:    Syed Khader Vali                  39       679   954  (29% noise)
   8:    Shanker                           70       666  1366  (52% noise)
   9:    Sudhakar Chandrasekharan          46       579  1035  (45% noise)
  10:    Kedar Patankar                    43       477   896  (47% noise)
  11:    SHRIDHAR N. DAITHANKAR            41       384  1322  (71% noise)
  12:    Rajesh Fowkar                     32       344   849  (60% noise)
  13:    Manoj Srivastava                   8       338   419  (20% noise)
  14:    Archan Paul                       44       335   948  (65% noise)
  15:    Mrinal Kalakrishnan               25       314   596  (48% noise)
  16:    Sthitaprajna                      21       309   516  (41% noise)
  17:    Devdas Bhagat                     43       292   922  (69% noise)
  18:    Sathya Rangaswamy                 25       286   503  (44% noise)
  19:    rajput g v be comp 56             20       281   409  (32% noise)
  20:    Robin Chatterjee                  13       272   580  (54% noise)

Sorted by total lines posted:
                                       Total     Total  Total
                                    Messages  Original  Lines:
                                      Posted:    Lines:

   1:    Nick Hill                         48       895  2654  (67% noise)
   2:    Suresh Ramasubramanian            81      1329  2398  (45% noise)
   3:    Rohit                            141       934  2121  (56% noise)
   4:    Arun Sharma                       98       818  1947  (58% noise)
   5:    Gaurav Yadav                      41       858  1490  (43% noise)
   6:    Shanker                           70       666  1366  (52% noise)
   7:    SHRIDHAR N. DAITHANKAR            41       384  1322  (71% noise)
   8:    Binand Raj S.                     58       751  1281  (42% noise)
   9:    Sudhakar Chandrasekharan          46       579  1035  (45% noise)
  10:    Vinubalaji.G                      20       178   982  (82% noise)
  11:    Syed Khader Vali                  39       679   954  (29% noise)
  12:    Archan Paul                       44       335   948  (65% noise)
  13:    Devdas Bhagat                     43       292   922  (69% noise)
  14:    Kedar Patankar                    43       477   896  (47% noise)
  15:    Rajesh Fowkar                     32       344   849  (60% noise)
  16:    VIBHU RISHI                       24       272   679  (60% noise)
  17:    Jiju Thomas Mathew                30       265   604  (57% noise)
  18:    Mrinal Kalakrishnan               25       314   596  (48% noise)
  19:    Robin Chatterjee                  13       272   580  (54% noise)
  20:    Mukund Deshmukh                   11       242   516  (54% noise)

    "Total Lines" does not count attachments, only the main body of the
    message.  Messages which contain only attachments count as 0 lines.

    "Original lines" are the subset of "Total Lines" that are not
    preceeded by ">".

    "Noise" is the other part -- the quoted material.

    This script doesn't do anything clever with HTML, so the stats will
    be off for HTML messages (no detection of quoted material, and
    bloated line counts.)

"If there were any justice, my face would be on a bunch of crappy
                 merchandise" -- Homer J. Simpson

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