Bharat Ale wrote:

> Hi,
> I enabled IP forwarding (by pcqupdt March 99 CD) and configured squid
> according to PCQ article (a transparent proxy with Squid by Nikhil Datta).
> The problem is that the clients cannot access the internet when proxy server
> is used (at port 3128).
> They can access when proxy is not used but its slow (that's why I was
> planning to use squid).
> Is Nik on this list ? Maybe he or anyone can help me. Thanks.
> BTW, I saw the following in /var/log/messages after I gave
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/squid start (or is it due to starting more than one
> instance of squid ? I see it doesn't stop me from doing so).
> HTTP port could not be opened
> Exiting due to repeated, frequent errors
> Bharat
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By default the SQUID2 STABLE 4.0 allows only the localhost in the acl's
("access control list)
do as i tell u.

cd /etc/squid/
vi squid.conf
{ put the following lines where u find "acl" entries
 acl allowed_host your_ip/netmask
and then find "html_access"
nd put the following lines
befor the line "html_access deny all"
html_access allow allowed_host.

Point two) also check that squid is running.
Normally what happens is that if squid is not able to get the DNS ( norrmally
given as the DNS of VSNL) it does not start.
so if u have given the DNS of VSNL and started squid when u r nit connected it
would not star.
restart squid when u connect.
or edit the script "/etc/rc.d/init.d/squid in that there is given u have to
start squid with the -D option.
Its simple try it.
Honestly I have tried to make it as complicated as possible.

Rakesh Tiwari

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