

        Just a random thought that occurred to me... (Did I spell
Occurred right?) ... With every mail that goes to LIH reaching
Probably 1500 people, I imagine its only fair if the people posting to 
the List use -some- conventions/netiquette while posting in making
sure that the Subject Line gives you a -moderate- idea of what the
email is about.

        Its fairly OBVIOUS that on "Linux-India-HELP" , note the
emphasis on "HELP" ... that -EVERY- and -ANY- post is (and should be), 
asking for or giving help. 

        There was also this other thread about "Linux Query" ... well, 
on a LinuxUserGroup Mailing List, I'm not too hopeful about discussing 
the nuances of Other OSes... 

        Please take this as an appeal to people at large to generally
follow -some- convention in naming their subject line.... One of the
Footers that [EMAIL PROTECTED] adds tells you What to do before 
posting... also, the Linux-Kernel-Mailing-List HOWTO/FAQ is -very-
good, imho, and we could incorporate, with permission from the
authors, in our FAQS(?) ... 

        Quite a few of us are in multiple mailing lists and speaking
for -myself-, I have approximately 1 hour every evening in which to
sift through ~250 emails, and make any "useful"(?) contributions (Like 
this?! <grin>) ... so it gets -rather- painful to check out subject
lines which are inappropriate.


        Lastly, this is -NOT- a personal complaint/flame/$bad-thing at 
the person that really emailed... I'm just highlighting this fact
because it looks like more and more people are beginning to use this



Ravikant K.Rao | http://www.symonds.net/~ravi/
Primary Email  : <<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> 

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