
I am having a strange problem installing my network card on one
particular machine.

Following are the details

1) The card is D-Link DE-220P which is a 10MBPS ISA PNP nic card which
  operates at IRQ of 5 and base address 0x0300.

2) The machine is AMD k6 400 MHz with 64MB ram and integrated display
   and sound on motherboard.The motherboard is custom made by IBM       
corp.  and comes with IBM Aptiva 270.

3) The card and cable is not faulty (since unfortunately the network
    can be set up nicely under windows and can even run quake2 on the
    network ). The cable is a crossed over UTP cable because there are
   only 2 hosts on the network.

4) In linux i am using "ne2000 or clones" driver and have given the IRQ
   and the base adress also correctly. The ifconfig and the route
   command show the correct necessary tables for eth0. And it can ping  

5) /proc/interrupts shows that ne2000 device is present at irq 5 and
   has given 0 interrupts to the CPU.

6) This machine does not ping to or reply to the pings with the other
   machine. The tcpdump of this machine does not show any activity when
   it is being pinged.

7) When this machine tries to ping the other host then tcpdump on the
   other host shows two packets transfer.

        i)  ARP address request
        ii) ARP address reply.

    but no icmp packets exchange.

8) The /proc/net/arp file on this machine when examined shows that it
  is not getting the hardware address of the target card (although it   was 
responded with an arp address reply packet).

9) The *same* configuration on the other machine is working properly
   and replying to pings from windows.

  I can't troubleshoot this any further. Any big ideas??

Amit Kulkarni

Visit me at http://amitkulkarni.cjb.net

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