writing this after digging the archives , so hope no flames 
downloaded gtkyahoo rpm + tar.gz ; after running ./configure 
make , make install and changing the rc file when i type gtkyahoo 
the messenger window is opened , but this window does not respond to 
mouse clicks , in fact nothing happens , using version 0.16 . any
help/suggestions would be appreciated

tia and regards

        The purpose of most computer languages is to lengthen 
        your resume by a word and a comma. 

         -- Larry Wall 

   RedHat 6.1 Cartman kernel 2.2.12-20 Composed in pine                         
    Rajeev Jha           |      Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    (20) 5424301 -1126   |      Sharda centre

LIH is all for free speech.  But it was created
for a purpose.  Violations of the rules of
this list will result in stern action.

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