>On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 10:18:04 +0530
>Raj Mathur <r...@linux-delhi.org> wrote:

> > 1) How can we detect that someone has intruded / hacked our linux box
> >  ? 2) Which commands to use for such detection ?
> Apart from the standard places to look (/tmp, /var/tmp, all HTTP domain 
> directories)
What  signs / o/puts  to look for in these directories - for example..  to 
indicate any possible intrusion ?

> you can use a tool called rkhunter (RootKit Hunter) to 
> detect common Linux viruses and trojans.  
Thanks a lot ! Will dafinately give it a shot ! 

> > 3) How to decipher the output of  `netstat -a ` ?
> Phew, that's the whole netstat(8) man page!  Anyhow, one part lists out 
> connected sockets, another part lists listening sockets, a third lists 
> out Unix domain (local) sockets.  To take an example, the connected 
> socket list consists of:

Sorry to be not clear...
for example in these netstat o/p columns :
Proto RefCnt Flags       Type       State         I-Node Path
which flags or type or state etc indicate un-authorised connections to our 
linux box ?
Is it possible to know from the indicated flags etc abt these facts ?
~ Pats
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