On Monday 15 Nov 2010, Pats wrote:
> When we see an email in a ordinary text editor, we can see many lines
> which are NOT seen while reading an email in inbox. Such email text
> is shown below:
> [snip]

Those are headers, which provide information or meta-data about the 
actual message.  Standard headers are defined in RFC 5322.  Every mail 
server the message passes through can also add its own custom headers 
for information; custom headers must have a name prefixed by the string 
"X-".  For instance:

> To: linux-india-help@lists.sourceforge.net

is the standard To: header, which tells your mail client whom the 
message was sent to.  On the other hand:

> X-Originating-IP: []

is a custom header probably inserted by Yahoo which gives the original 
IP address the message was received from.

Since each mail server can insert its own custom headers, there is no 
standardisation on those.  However, some are so common that they have 
become de-facto standards.

Please see section 3.6 in RFC 5322 for more information about the 
standard mail headers.


-- Raj
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