Sunil Sarat wrote:
> Hi,
> At, there is a software running which gives us the details
> of the O.S and webserver running at a particular site asked for. Now, we
> have 2 webservers one running linux and the other is WEB O2 running
> Irix-6.3. When I've submitted my query regarding the server running linux,
> I've got the answer for it saying it runs Apache/Linux. But when I've
> submitted the query regarding the server running Irix. I got a message
> "Unable to determine the server running on port 80". Why is it so, How this
> probing of web server is done? In linux, is it possible to block such
> queries?

When you ask for non existent page on server most server return page not
found error with server name (apache does it honestly). 

However there is more to it. 
namp is an excellent port scanner which can also find the OS of the
server (90% accurate).
sysadmin should to scan the port of their server with nmap for security. 


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