ILUG Bangalore met on Friday, 24th September, 1999 at Hotel Ashraya. The
meeting started at 7:30 pm and went on to 10:15 pm!! As usual, we had a
very high number of attendees - this time, 65 people!

Atul, whose enthusiasm keeps the group on its toes, gave a brief rundown
of what the evening had in store.


Linux Pavillion at IT.COM'99 and Linux India's role and participation in

At the last meet, Sanjay Das Gupta (Karnataka IT Secretary) had popped
in, to announce the Karnataka government's innovative step in having a
Linux Pavillion at the IT.COM '99 scheduled for Nov 1-5. This is a first
in India, something which is now a standard in most international

Since this announcement, a small team from ILUG-Bangalore met 3-4 times
with the organisers of IT.COM to check out the status of the LInux
Pavillion. Though positive, there was a lack of the right kind of
publicity about the Pavillion. As a result, big companies who were
already particpating in the event, did not know of the Linux Pavillion
and had not booked any space in it. 

Advantages of being seen at the IT.COM 99 - 
1. This is a mega mega IT event in Indian IT history

2. The space used for the event is easily the single biggest IT space in

3. Linux Pavillion is a first in all of Indian IT history

4. Linux is in the news now

5. Major media coverage of the entire show, but definite focus on the
'happening' area of Linux.

6. Linux Pavillion is located opposite the US Pavillion, a nice frontal
position, that attracts the eye immediately. LP is 1800 sq. mts.

The Linux Pavillion can stand or fall based on its performance at this
IT event. It can become a fixture or a failure. 

MAJOR NEWS - Atul had contacted several companies and publications for
participation. PC Quest, came forward with a bang, and have booked 100
sq. mts. This space is at the disposal of LINUX INDIA to arrange, and do
whatever they want to project Linux as THE OS of the day. The stall will
be a Linux India stall, sponsored by PCQ.

Limitations here:
- Not to bash up other OSs :(
- specifically no Windows bashing :((
PC Quest will display its November issue here, which has 2 CDs, 1
totally dedicated to Linux.
PC Quest will also meet all costs incurred to set up the information
centre - hardware, software, decorations, platforms etc.

Theme for the pavilion - 'Seeing is believing' ...

Use this space as a show of Linux power, with machines running Linux.
Any machine ... 386s, 486s, Sun, SGI, IBM, palmtops, laptops, etc.. Use
of Linux in a home environment, office, network, play, as internet
server, gateway

Have short talks (Speechlets) to educate on Linux. 

After running visitors through this intro-training, they are encouraged
to see the Linux products on display. In this way, vendors/companies
would not have to go through an initial intro to Linux, but can
straightaway launch into the product description. They are now
exhibiting to a 'knowledgeable' audience.

Atul will post separate item on the PCQ sponsorship details.


1.To put together a core team that plans, decides and takes
responsibility for the information stall. Its important that things are
done well, ... a badly managed show can do more harm to LInux in India.

2. Talk to companies, tap all contacts possible, so that all know there
is a Linux Pavillion in IT.COM99

3. Encourage Linuxers to come in from out-of-state. We already have
participation commitments from Raj Mathur, Kishore Bhargava, Nikhil
and other well known names.

4. Organize things towards a mock exhibition, 'dress-rehearsal' so that
nothing flops at the end. Slated for next Bangalore meet on 23-Oct.


1. MROTEK featured its Linux servers at the last Bangalore meet. They
are NOT going to be part of Linux Pavillion. Hmmm....

2. Entire TAJ group of hotels use Linux as their communication OS!!

3. Peutronics have been using Linux for years and will soon release a
version of TALLY running under Linux!

We as Linux-India are responsible for the Jewel in the Crown. What has
been an interest, a hobby, a point-of-discussion has now culminated into
the entry of LINUX in India with a bang.


The rest of the ILUG meet featured K.Dakshinamurthy (KD) (one of the
founder members of Linux India) speaking on Linux awareness among
programmers. He spoke of the difficulty programmers faced when they want
to move from microsoft oriented programming platforms e.g. VB/VC++ into
UNIX. There is a need for more awareness, book reviews, more information
on where and what is available in the Indian context.


Atul demonstrated his PALMTOP synchronization with his Linux Thinkpad. 
Q&A session covered more technical aspects of installation of printers,
compatibility of hardware, download of local-language software, distro
wars, advisability of non-members posting to the list.


We thank Mr. Lalith Padhi who sponsored the entire meet. He owns an
electronic business situated next door to the upcoming IT.COM event
space. He has been a Linux user for some time.


Snaps of the meet should become available towards the end of the week,
once Atul recovers from a runaway script that nibbled at his hard disk.
They will be available at



Sponsors  ( Mr. Lalith Padhi)           5000.00
Balance from last meet                  1330.00

Cost of this meet                      -5650.00
Balance                                  680.00

Yes, we still have a balance!!!!!!!


Jessica Prabhakar
Coordinator, ILUG-Bangalore
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