Linux and Java--a tale of two revolutions
Why has Linux succeeded where Java failed? The answer lies in the fact that
Linux was  built using a superior process of peer review and with a clear,
focused strategy. 

Prashant L. Rao

Linux and Java. The two have quite a bit in common. Both are dubbed "windows
killers" by  the mass media. Both come with revolutionary concepts behind them
and both promise to change the world of computing. Yet, one of the two is a
huge success while the other is stumbling from one botched up attempt at
conquering the heights of computing to another. Here's why Linux has succeeded
where Java has failed.

Linux is Open Source. It is a product born in the fires of peer review and has
a clear  focus--to provide a server operating system that is robust,
feature-rich and built around open standards. Yes, I know that some over
enthusiastic Linux evangelists are talking about Linux on the desktop, but
luckily the swarms of Linux makers out there haven't let this distract them
from their goal and mission to build the ultimate server OS. That is the reason
why Linux is eating up server market share at a rate that makes the growth rate
of other server operating systems look positively anemic.

Java, on the other hand, is a proprietary standard from Sun. It has no clear
direction or  strategy other than to make Windows obsolete. Java started life
as a language for consumer electronics devices. Failing in that attempt it
moved to the Net and was for a short while the only way to create an animated
banner. Here again it was replaced very quickly by the animated GIF. Finally
Sun recast Java in the arena of Enterprise computing with IBM as an ally. Now
Java became middleware that would act as a glue connecting proprietary systems
and data, using Java Servlets, to users running Web browsers. Things seemed to
augur well Java as Sun talked of getting the ECMA to standardize the language.
Then Sun got cold feet and dumped the ECMA process like a used tube of
toothpaste. As if that wasn't bad enough Sun also had a spat with buddy IBM who
believe (rightly so) that all companies should have an equal say in the way
Java evolves. Sun on the other hand wants to have its cake and eat it too. Java
should be universally used but only Sun can control it. That's why Java has
failed to deliver the goods.

What's the lesson from all this? It's very simple. If you are intent upon
building a better  mouse trap (Linux) using open standards you will win the
war. However, if you take a closed standard, give it away for free and claim
that it is open while keeping your technology under lock and key and sue
anybody who tries to improve it (as Sun did when Microsoft created a Java
Virtual Machine that ran faster than Sun's own) you're going to end up failing.

The last word on the matter is that revolutions are created by individuals like
Linus Torvalds  and not companies no matter how much vision they may exude.

ps. : This article is from CIOL site.

Rajesh(ALIAS Shriram)
Web Site :

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