On Fri, 21 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> Ditto! I've been reading PC-Quest from way-back in 1992 (school-days). Atul
> was famous even in those days with his "COMversations" articles, BBS and 
> other networking stuff. Linux came much later.
> PC Quest's Linux initiative was largely responsible for the explosive growth
> of Linux in India at a time when few bothered about Unix.

I have been reading PC QUEST from Dec. 1995 when they distributed
Slackware linux for the First Time. Their articles specially
COMversations by Atul where very much informative to newbies like me
to the Linux world at that time. Nobody should be allowed to throw
mud at PCQ or Atul on this list.

PCQ are doing a great job and all of us I am sure are eagarly waiting
for their next issues. Keep up the good word you guys at PCQ.

I request List Admin to do something about this person

Rajesh(ALIAS Shriram)
How I Configured my SiS6215 Card ?Visit:http://rajesh.computers.webjump.com/linux.html


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Langston Hughes
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