Anybody know how to use a Lexmark 1000 Ink Jet Printer with Linux??


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 01/21/2000, 11:20:04, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Linux India Digest) 
wrote regarding Linux India Digest V1 #528:

> Linux India Digest      Friday, January 21 2000      Volume 01 : 
Number 528

> In this issue:

>       Re: [LI] Raghavendra Bhat's attacks on PC Quest
>       Re: [LI] Telnet to linux machine not working
>       [LI] (Repost) DNS : Logical query
>       Re: [LI] (Repost) DNS : Logical query
>       Re: [LI] (Repost) DNS : Logical query
>       [LI] Proxy FTP
>       Re: [LI] Raghavendra Bhat's attacks on PC Quest
>       Re: [LI] (Repost) DNS : Logical query
>       Re: [LI] (Repost) DNS : Logical query
>       Re: [LI] (Repost) DNS : Logical query
>       [LI] shared memore segment
>       Re: [LI] (Repost) DNS : Logical query
>       Re: [LI] Raghavendra Bhat's attacks on PC Quest
>       Re: [LI] (Repost) DNS : Logical query
>       Re: [LI] shared memore segment
>       Re: [LI] (Repost) DNS : Logical query
>       Re: [LI] (Repost) DNS : Logical query
>       Re: [LI] Raghavendra Bhat's attacks on PC Quest
>       Re: [LI] (Repost) DNS : Logical query
>       Re: [LI] Raghavendra Bhat's attacks on PC Quest
>       [LI] regarding hp deskjet 320
>       Re: [LI] Redhat-6.1 Installation
>       Re: [LI] Raghavendra Bhat's attacks on PC Quest
>       Re: [LI] regarding hp deskjet 320
>       Re: [LI] ilug-cochin minutes for Jan 2000 [Attn. Atul]
>       Re: [LI] X - Configuration
>       [LI] Raghavendra Bhat's attacks on PC Quest

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 07:06:10 EDT
> From: "Sunit Mathur" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LI] Raghavendra Bhat's attacks on PC Quest

> I fully agree with Atul's comments about PCQ. For me and many others 
who had heard about Linux and wanted to work on it but could not afford 
it, PCQ came as a boon and suddenly Linux became easily accessible. This 
was with the Slackware that PCQ had come out with...
> The next PCQ Linux CD's enabled me to learn a lot about Linux.
> I am also proud about the fact that I got my Job due to my love for 
Linux. (which is due to PCQ). I still treasure all old issues of the PCQ 
CD's. And I think that some people forget the contrib made by PCQ 
towards spreading Linux awareness by actively supporting ILUG with 
activities like IT.COM which made Linux more popular.

> I also think that a lot of the credit for Linux's growing popularity 
goes to PCQ as it was when PCQ began focussing on Linux that all 
sections of the IT industry sat up and started taking notice.

> Regards
> Sunit Mathur
> Web Developer/Linux Admin
> M/s Sholay.Com Inc

> - ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: Atul Chitnis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Oh god, what is the temperature in Cochin right now?

> Great, you fell for that trap like I knew you would! You are so
> predictable!

> Yes, I make money off my activities the world over (saying "Bangalore" 
> a bit restrictive given my field of operation). But to say that I use
> Linux to establish myself is a *pathetic* response to a statement I 
> about you.

> I "established" myself years before Linus even joined the University 
> Helsinki. I didn't mean to, but it happened. I don't call myself a 
guru, I
> am just a guy who has tried stuff before others did and sometimes 
> the answers to assorted questions, so I share them. I have published
> articles to prove it, and some of them are even online, and I have
> published software from the mid eighties to show, too.

> And I *also* have a complete collection of your posts to Linux India. 
> very revealing collection. I encourage everyone to have a look at 
> too.  There isn't a single answer in any of them, just bigotry.

> And I warn you that at this point, your attacks on PC Quest are not 
> unnoticed. You have crossed the line of decency, and it is now pretty
> clear that you have an agenda. If you have a problem with me, say so. 
> talk about PC Quest again in this unsubstantiated way, and you are 
> to have to be taught a lesson in legal matters.

> I will not stand by while you drag the name of PC Quest in the mud for
> your own personal gain. There are a lot of good people in PCQ for whom 
> have the highest possible respect, and I have seen what they have done 
> people over the years. What right do you have to come along to 
> their good intentions and all their hard work with your lies and
> unsubstantiated allegations?

> Linux India, I need to ask you for help with this problem. This man is
> trying to whip up a momentum against PC Quest (see the minutes of the 
> ILUG-Cochin meet) for his own personal gain, and he is using the 
> lists and Linux as his medium. He is getting away with it because no 
> here tells him that you disagree.

> I would expect at least the listadmins to do something about this, but 
> suspect that they cannot because it would look like the list is a
> PCQ-sponsored thing (which it isn't).

> If it will help, I will recommend to PC Quest to terminate the PCQ 
> Initiative in response to this problem, to allow the listadmins to do
> their job without fear of repercussions and wrongful allegations of 

> Atul

> - --
> E-Mail

> E-Home

> Official Web Sites

> - --

> ------------------------------

> Date: 21 Jan 2000 08:39:23 -0000
> From: "Jiju Thomas Mathew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LI] Telnet to linux machine not working

> Vimal Mathew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

> > Maybe you have a telnet server (other than inetd/in.telnetd) running 
on your
> > system. Try killing "inetd" and doing a "socklist" or "netstat -a" to
> > check for other programs. Then, restart inetd.

> i dont have socklist
> i did netstat -a and the output is this

> Active Internet connections (servers and established)
> Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         
> tcp        0      0 *:webcache              *:*                     
> tcp        0      0 localhost:1032          localhost:1033          
> tcp        0      0 localhost:1033          localhost:1032          
> tcp        0      0 localhost:1030          localhost:1031          
> tcp        0      0 localhost:1031          localhost:1030          
> tcp        0      0 localhost:1028          localhost:1029          
> tcp        0      0 localhost:1029          localhost:1028          
> tcp        0      0 localhost:1026          localhost:1027          
> tcp        0      0 localhost:1027          localhost:1026          
> tcp        0      0 localhost:1024          localhost:1025          
> tcp        0      0 localhost:1025          localhost:1024          
> tcp        0      0 *:628                   *:*                     
> tcp        0      0 *:smtp                  *:*                     
> tcp        0      0  *:*                     
> tcp        0      0 localhost:domain        *:*                     
> tcp        0      0 *:auth                  *:*                     
> tcp        0      0 *:sunrpc                *:*                     
> udp        0      0 *:3946                  *:*
> udp        0      0 *:3401                  *:*
> udp        0      0 *:icp                   *:*
> udp        0      0  *:*
> udp        0      0 localhost:domain        *:*
> udp        0      0 *:sunrpc                *:*
> raw        0      0 *:icmp                  *:*                     7
> raw        0      0 *:tcp                   *:*                     7
> Active UNIX domain sockets (servers and established)
> Proto RefCnt Flags       Type       State         I-Node Path
> unix  0      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     112    @0000000f
> unix  0      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     12385  /dev/gpmctl
> unix  0      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     372    /var/run/ndc
> unix  6      [ ]         DGRAM                    302    /dev/log
> unix  0      [ ]         DGRAM                    12387
> unix  0      [ ]         DGRAM                    10403
> unix  0      [ ]         DGRAM                    689
> unix  0      [ ]         DGRAM                    630
> unix  0      [ ]         DGRAM                    370
> unix  0      [ ]         DGRAM                    317

> >
> > Have you modified your /etc/services or /etc/inetd.conf ?
> >
> no

> sorry for the long post

> ------------------------------

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 17:58:25 +0530
> From: Milind Lele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [LI] (Repost) DNS : Logical query

>       Posting again - seeking attention away from distro/personal 

> > A logical question on DNS:
> >
> > Can a registered domain have both real Internet addresses and private
> > addresses? Or rather, can the same zone have both of them?
> >
> > What is the right way to configure a DNS when the same server is 
> > to resolve the real Internet addresses as well as local private 
> >
> > TIA
> >

> ------------------------------

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 17:58:20 IST
> From: V S Sai Satish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LI] (Repost) DNS : Logical query

> Hi,
> Try this resource... Ask Mr.DNS... @


> Sai

> >
> >     Posting again - seeking attention away from distro/personal 
> >
> > > A logical question on DNS:
> > >
> > > Can a registered domain have both real Internet addresses and private
> > > addresses? Or rather, can the same zone have both of them?
> > >
> > > What is the right way to configure a DNS when the same server is 
> > > to resolve the real Internet addresses as well as local private 
> > >
> > > TIA
> > >

> ------------------------------

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 18:03:04 +0530 (IST)
> From: Atul Chitnis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LI] (Repost) DNS : Logical query

> On Fri, 21 Jan 2000, Milind Lele wrote:

> > > Can a registered domain have both real Internet addresses and private
> > > addresses? Or rather, can the same zone have both of them?

> # nslookup
> Default Server:
> Address:

> >
> Server:
> Address:

> Name:
> Address:   <<<<<<

> >
> Server:
> Address:

> Name:
> Address:       <<<<<<

> The answer is - an internal DNS can do that. An external DNS could do 
> but it would be bad manners to map hosts that cannot be reached from 
> outside anyway.

> > > What is the right way to configure a DNS when the same server is 
> > > to resolve the real Internet addresses as well as local private 

> I run two DNSs - one for internal and one for external addresses - on
> difference servers.

> Atul

> ------------------------------

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 18:15:03 +0530
> Subject: [LI] Proxy FTP

> Hi,

> Which is the best Proxy FTP software Linux.  Please help me.  Gftp and
> Ncftp is not working on my box, any "conf" file need to change?

> Thanks in advance and best regards,
> Anil.

> Registered Linux user #156732

> paradigm TECHNOLOGIES Pvt. Ltd.
> No. 28, McNichol's Road, Chetpet, Chennai-600 031, INDIA.
> Tel: ++ 91 44   8257907 , ++ 91 44  8212763, ++ 91 44 8213654
> Fax: ++ 91 44  821 0418, Email:  Anil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Visit us:
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

> ------------------------------

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 18:44:31 +0530
> From: "Dr. Sharukh K. R. Pavri." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LI] Raghavendra Bhat's attacks on PC Quest

> - ----- Original Message -----
> From: Atul Chitnis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, January 21, 2000 2:51 PM
> Subject: [LI] Raghavendra Bhat's attacks on PC Quest

> (snip)

> > If it will help, I will recommend to PC Quest to terminate the PCQ 
> > Initiative in response to this problem, to allow the listadmins to do
> > their job without fear of repercussions and wrongful allegations of 
> >
> > Atul

> Be quite sure I am not taking sides here, but Atul, how does this step 
> Linux and specifically Linux in India. I am also against the kind of
> persosnal attack that has prompted you to suggest this, IMO, harsh 
> It's like Samuel Pepys (or was it Oscar Wilde) who set his clothes on 
> so that he could frighten himself enough to cure his hiccups. One 
> please all the people all the time.

> Sharukh

> Btw Mr. Bhat, PCWorld gave Corel Linux, Chip gave Winlinux 2000, I.T.
> Magazine gave Mandrake linux, then how come you only target PCQ for 
> out Non-Debian distros ????

> ------------------------------

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 18:40:15 +0530
> Subject: Re: [LI] (Repost) DNS : Logical query

> Atul,

> Not exactly. There is no need to run two name servers on different 
machines to
> do DNS for two different networks i.e. private and public. He is 
looking for
> something which is known as split DNS. In this case you have the same 
> name for both private as well as public networks.

> Milind,

> Take a look at the DNS faq at or 
to send you
> to the exact URL use:

> This will give you some insight on the way things work with Split DNS. 
I would
> also suggest the DNS bible. A must for any DNS or rather any Network
> Administrator. Another great resource for DNS is

> Hope this helps,

> - - Gaurav

> Atul Chitnis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 01/21/2000 06:03:04 PM

> Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> To:   linux india <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> cc:    (bcc: Gaurav Sabharwal/HSS)

> Subject:  Re: [LI] (Repost) DNS : Logical query

> On Fri, 21 Jan 2000, Milind Lele wrote:

> > > Can a registered domain have both real Internet addresses and private
> > > addresses? Or rather, can the same zone have both of them?

> # nslookup
> Default Server:
> Address:

> >
> Server:
> Address:

> Name:
> Address:   <<<<<<

> >
> Server:
> Address:

> Name:
> Address:       <<<<<<

> The answer is - an internal DNS can do that. An external DNS could do 
> but it would be bad manners to map hosts that cannot be reached from 
> outside anyway.

> > > What is the right way to configure a DNS when the same server is 
> > > to resolve the real Internet addresses as well as local private 

> I run two DNSs - one for internal and one for external addresses - on
> difference servers.

> Atul

> - --------------------------------------------------------------------
> The Linux India Mailing List Archives are now available.  Please 
> the archive at before posting your 
> to avoid repetition and save bandwidth.

> ------------------------------

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 18:58:23 +0530 (IST)
> From: Atul Chitnis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LI] (Repost) DNS : Logical query

> On Fri, 21 Jan 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > Not exactly. There is no need to run two name servers on different 
machines to
> > do DNS for two different networks i.e. private and public. He is 
looking for
> > something which is known as split DNS. In this case you have the same 
> > name for both private as well as public networks.

> Hey, I only said that *I* do it this way, largely because it is easy - 
> usually have two boxes to work with anyway - one on the outside of the
> firewall (for external services like mail, DNS, etc.), one on the 

> But one lives and learns....

> > Take a look at the DNS faq at or
> > to send you to the exact URL use:
> >

> this. Thanks!

> Atul

> ------------------------------

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 19:10:16 +0530 (IST)
> From: "Nagarjuna G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LI] (Repost) DNS : Logical query

> On Fri, 21 Jan 2000, Milind Lele wrote:

> - ->  Posting again - seeking attention away from distro/personal 
> - ->
> - ->> A logical question on DNS:
> - ->>
> - ->> Can a registered domain have both real Internet addresses and 
> - ->> addresses? Or rather, can the same zone have both of them?

> Regarding the local private addresses, /etc/hosts is sufficient.

> May be I haven't understood your question: When you have a registered
> domain, why do you want to intermingle with the private addresses.

> - ->>
> - ->> What is the right way to configure a DNS when the same server is 
> - ->> to resolve the real Internet addresses as well as local private 
> - ->>

> By specifying the order in the /etc/host.conf.

> Nagarjuna

> ------------------------------

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 21:26:27 +0530 (IST)
> Subject: [LI] shared memore segment

> how to view the info about the shared memory segment and semaphores
> in linux?

> ------------------------------

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 19:08:05 +0530
> Subject: Re: [LI] (Repost) DNS : Logical query

> I think my way of representing the text in my mail was wrong. I know 
that it is
> *you* who is doing it this way. I was just suggesting another 

> BTW, High time you got in a DMZ to place your nameserver at. ;-)

> - - Gaurav

> Atul Chitnis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 01/21/2000 06:58:23 PM

> Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> cc:    (bcc: Gaurav Sabharwal/HSS)

> Subject:  Re: [LI] (Repost) DNS : Logical query

> On Fri, 21 Jan 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > Not exactly. There is no need to run two name servers on different 
machines to
> > do DNS for two different networks i.e. private and public. He is 
looking for
> > something which is known as split DNS. In this case you have the same 
> > name for both private as well as public networks.

> Hey, I only said that *I* do it this way, largely because it is easy - 
> usually have two boxes to work with anyway - one on the outside of the
> firewall (for external services like mail, DNS, etc.), one on the 

> But one lives and learns....

> > Take a look at the DNS faq at or
> > to send you to the exact URL use:
> >

> this. Thanks!

> Atul

> - --------------------------------------------------------------------
> The Linux India Mailing List Archives are now available.  Please 
> the archive at before posting your 
> to avoid repetition and save bandwidth.

> ------------------------------

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 19:28:50 +0530 (IST)
> From: Atul Chitnis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LI] Raghavendra Bhat's attacks on PC Quest

> On Fri, 21 Jan 2000, Dr. Sharukh K. R. Pavri. wrote:

> > Be quite sure I am not taking sides here, but Atul, how does this step 
> > Linux and specifically Linux in India.

> Oh, that's simple. Linux India is not affiliated with any entity (be 
> magazine or otherwise). But if there is a frontal attack like we are
> seeing now on any entity, it cannot step in without being immediately
> accused of "catering" to that entity.

> However, if that entity is not associated with Linux in any way, then 
> accusations cannot be made, right?

> A harsh step, but one that definitely will happen at some point unless
> listers step in themselves and tell the perpetrator *and* the 
> about acceptable behaviour. If the list protests, so will the admins -
> without worry about accusations of bias.

> I need to point out that Linux India is a big thing now, and as 
> as any other Linux resource in India - if not the biggest. This is why
> said perpetrator uses this medium to foster his agenda. PCQ, CHIP, PC
> World, IBM, Dell, Intel, Motorola, etc. are all part of the Linux 
world in
> India, and if one of them is repeatedly attacked this way, it may not 
> much, but if the list shows apathy and "let's it happen", you can be 
> that the entity is going to reconsider its involvement with Linux.

> > Btw Mr. Bhat, PCWorld gave Corel Linux, Chip gave Winlinux 2000, I.T.
> > Magazine gave Mandrake linux, then how come you only target PCQ for 
> > out Non-Debian distros ????

> A *very* good question. I suspect that the answer to this is the core 
> the problem. It appears to have very little to do with Debian, or 
> or anything libre, at all......

> Atul

> ------------------------------

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 19:26:26 +0530
> Subject: Re: [LI] (Repost) DNS : Logical query

> /etc/hosts is sufficient in a small network. What do you do when you 
have 1000
> plus hetrogenous machines in your network. One has to opt for either 
> in this case.

> The order in the host.conf file is just for the machine on which you 
are working
> to know the order in which it should resolve hostnames and not related 
with DNS
> server configuration at all.

> - - Gaurav

> "Nagarjuna G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 01/21/2000 07:10:16 PM

> Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> To:   linux india <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> cc:    (bcc: Gaurav Sabharwal/HSS)

> Subject:  Re: [LI] (Repost) DNS : Logical query

> On Fri, 21 Jan 2000, Milind Lele wrote:

> - ->   Posting again - seeking attention away from distro/personal 
> - ->
> - ->> A logical question on DNS:
> - ->>
> - ->> Can a registered domain have both real Internet addresses and 
> - ->> addresses? Or rather, can the same zone have both of them?

> Regarding the local private addresses, /etc/hosts is sufficient.

> May be I haven't understood your question: When you have a registered
> domain, why do you want to intermingle with the private addresses.

> - ->>
> - ->> What is the right way to configure a DNS when the same server is 
> - ->> to resolve the real Internet addresses as well as local private 
> - ->>

> By specifying the order in the /etc/host.conf.

> Nagarjuna

> - --------------------------------------------------------------------
> The Linux India Mailing List Archives are now available.  Please 
> the archive at before posting your 
> to avoid repetition and save bandwidth.

> ------------------------------

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 19:28:17 IST
> From: V S Sai Satish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LI] shared memore segment

> ipcs

> Sai

> >
> > how to view the info about the shared memory segment and semaphores
> > in linux?
> >

> ------------------------------

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 19:31:34 +0530 (IST)
> From: Atul Chitnis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LI] (Repost) DNS : Logical query

> On Fri, 21 Jan 2000, Nagarjuna G. wrote:

> > Regarding the local private addresses, /etc/hosts is sufficient.

> Wow! Were did *that* come from? Rather sweeping statement.

> > May be I haven't understood your question: When you have a registered
> > domain, why do you want to intermingle with the private addresses.

> Try maintaining /etc/hosts files in hundreds of machines, and you will
> soon see why professional and seased sysadmins *swear* by DNS. DNS is 
> very important factor in *any* LAN that needs central
> administration.

> Atul

> - --------------------------------------------------------
> Atul Chitnis       | [EMAIL PROTECTED] (PGP:6011BCB8)
> Exocore Consulting |
> Bangalore, India   | +91(80)3440397 Fax +91(80)3341137
> - --------------------------------------------------------

> ------------------------------

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 19:33:21 +0530 (IST)
> From: Atul Chitnis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LI] (Repost) DNS : Logical query

> On Fri, 21 Jan 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > BTW, High time you got in a DMZ to place your nameserver at. ;-)

> I am not on a leased line, just a dialup, like most Joe Ramaswamys. 

> But when it comes to client leased line setups.....

> Atul

> ------------------------------

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 19:55:34 +0530 (IST)
> From: "Nagarjuna G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LI] Raghavendra Bhat's attacks on PC Quest

> On Fri, 21 Jan 2000, Atul Chitnis wrote:

> - ->On Fri, 21 Jan 2000, Raghavendra Bhat wrote:
> - ->
> - ->> > RedHat funds people like Alan Cox whose contributions help make 
Linux what
> - ->> > it is today. Does that make RedHat or Alan Cox anti-Linux?
> - ->>
> - ->> No, it does not.  Can U say that this is not done out of Red Hat's
> - ->> selfish interest ??  Maybe...maybe not.  I  do not want to 
speculate ;-)
> - ->
> - ->Oh god, what is the temperature in Cochin right now?
> - ->
> - ->> > You make use of your Linux knowledge to position yourself as a 
guru in
> - ->> > Cochin, and clearly derive commercial benefits from this status.
> - ->> >

> A historian who is following the course of developments of linux
> cannot ignore the essential, I repeat, the essential role played by
> the commercial distributions in spreading the free/open source
> software movement.  The place linux is enjoying today is due to the
> spring-board thrust provided by the commercial distros, and not
> debian/gnu. (Mind you, a GNU evangelist is saying this.)

> With regard to the indian scene, a similar spring-board thrust is
> produced by PC-Quest and Chip.  Eventhough they are not distributing
> debian, I am very happy with what is happening.  In the past I did
> request PCQuest to consider distributing Debian, and I continue to
> tell my friends who work for Chip to consider this. But just because
> they are not doing this, I will not say that whatever they are doing
> is purely because of commercial motivation or this or that.  Who am I
> to read their motivations?  Redhat donates huge sums for open source
> development, and has actively participated in developing the same. PCQ
> has done the same by sponsoring the ITevent in Bangalore.  (It is
> unnecessary to repeat all this, it has already been said here over and
> over again.)  If RH or for that matter any other distro will do an
> irresponsible product, they are bound to suffer.  If something is bad
> it will die due its own *merit*.  If something is good, it will stay,
> no matter what, due to its own *worth*.  The internal dynamics of open
> source software movement cannot afford to and will not tolerate
> mediocrity.

> With regard to Atul I need not say anything, he is on his own and very
> vocal.  But let me pay my respects, no one can ignore nor undermine
> the the role he is playing for promoting linux in the country.

> So, why am I saying all this.  Letus be brave to say the truth, even
> if it hurts our guts.

> Nagarjuna

> ------------------------------

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 20:15:59 +0530 (IST)
> From: "Nagarjuna G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LI] (Repost) DNS : Logical query

> On Fri, 21 Jan 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> - ->
> - ->
> - ->/etc/hosts is sufficient in a small network. What do you do when 
you have 1000
> - ->plus hetrogenous machines in your network. One has to opt for 
either DNS or DHCP
> - ->in this case.
> - ->
> - ->The order in the host.conf file is just for the machine on which 
you are working
> - ->to know the order in which it should resolve hostnames and not 
related with DNS
> - ->server configuration at all.
> - ->

> I am confused.  Cant we say through the /etc/host.conf that first
> finish resolving the private things throug the /etc/host and only then
> go for bind, thus to DNS.

> Nagarjuna

> ------------------------------

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 20:27:05 +0530
> Subject: Re: [LI] Raghavendra Bhat's attacks on PC Quest

> Hi there,
> well, that was what Raj might call a goood flamewar !!! HeHeHe !!
> Enjoyed more than my earlier ilug-debian thing. ;-) This was more 
> than my flame-war.
> I pity you guys !! ;-)  Well, anyway shanu in a way seems to have 
> everyone what he wanted to
> call all these days including himself ;-) Seems to have utilitzed and
> opportunity in a very (in)sensible manner. ;-)
> Regards
>      Khader ( ROTFL )

> - ----------------------------------   @}--------
> Syed Khader Vali                  Debian 2.2.4 ( potato )
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]             Kernel 2.3.39
> Live Free or Die             

> Shanker Balan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 01/20/2000 04:55:51 PM
> <snip >  Only for Adults ;-)

> 11. I am a Fu****

> </snip>       Only for Adults ;-)

> ------------------------------

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 21:15:16 +0530
> From: "Virajit Gundale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [LI] regarding hp deskjet 320

> Hi friends!
>                 Please let me know how to install the printer HP 
DeskJet 320
> on linux or where its driver is available.
> I am awaiting the solution for it friends.

> Bye!

> Virajit Gundale

> ------------------------------

> Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 21:41:25 -0500
> From: Shourya Sarcar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LI] Redhat-6.1 Installation

> On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, Dr. Sarat Kumat Patra wrote:

> *1. I have installed Red Hat Linux 6.1 on a Intel Celeron PC with
> *Intel810 mother board and it
> *it containds the PCI-SVGA  intel 810 choset on the board. This 
> *driver I suppose is not supported by RH6.1. Can I get some help about
> *how to
> *Install Xwindows on the machine. I am using a Proview monitor. I 
> *Install RH6.1 but failed with Xwindows.

> >> Have you tried out the custom / unlisted cards with a SVGA / VGA16 
Server ?
> Try loading and running Xconfigurator / XF86Setup/ xf86config.

> *3. I also want to install few diskless machines in my network. I saw
> *some mail regarding this with respect to PCQuest Dec 1999. Could some
> *one help me in this regard(Anyone who has a record of the 

> Search the archives !! It's searchable !!!
> Read the Diskless-HOWTO in /doc directory of the PCQ RHL6.1 release CD
> (PCQ 99) or from some older CD / web

> ------------------------------

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 21:20:59 +0530 (IST)
> From: Atul Chitnis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LI] Raghavendra Bhat's attacks on PC Quest

> On Fri, 21 Jan 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > I pity you guys !! ;-)  Well, anyway shanu in a way seems to have
> > called everyone what he wanted to call all these days including
> > himself ;-) Seems to have utilitzed and opportunity in a very
> > (in)sensible manner. ;-)

> I rather suspect that Shanu gave way under the pressure he was under 
> home, and let off steam. There was more to this than most people know
> about (and I suspect ILUG-Cochin members were aware of this), and in a
> manner of speaking I admire the fact that he chose to speak at all.

> Sure, he could have done it in a more restrained manner, but he once 
> for all called a bluff that has been the root of some really evil here 
> quite a while. Hopefully, his reveletions will end this farce now, and
> peace will rain once again in Linux India.

> And tomorrow, at the ILUG-Bangalore meet (6pm, Hotel Ashraya, Infantry
> Road, all welcome), we finally get to see a Debian install in all its
> glory, and without the bigotry. And hopefully, we will have a surprise
> guest, too.

> Atul

> ------------------------------

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 21:22:42 +0530 (IST)
> From: Atul Chitnis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LI] regarding hp deskjet 320

> Virajit:

> Any HP Deskjet driver should so the job. If you use RedHat Linux, use
> printtool and just choose the generic HP Deskjet driver or one that is
> close.

> Atul

> On Fri, 21 Jan 2000, Virajit Gundale wrote:

> > Hi friends!
> >                 Please let me know how to install the printer HP 
DeskJet 320
> > on linux or where its driver is available.
> > I am awaiting the solution for it friends.

> ------------------------------

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 21:30:16 +0530
> From: Rohit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LI] ilug-cochin minutes for Jan 2000 [Attn. Atul]

> > having you, Arun, Khader(Police :) ) , Kishore, Raj, Gurunandan, 
> > Harsha, Nikhil, Raj Mathur, Thaths  on the list

> Khader? Did you say Khader? ohh... well.. OK. [smiles]

> ------------------------------

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 21:27:41 +0530
> From: Rohit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LI] X - Configuration

> >   SVGA Card - Trident 3DImage975
> >   Monitor - Samsung Samtron 40Bn (not present in the list).
> >   No combination of modes is working and the screen blanks, needing a 
> > boot.

> XF86Setup>card>detailed setup >choose VRAM and CARD [leave the rest
> items untouched]
>        >monitor>choose Standard SVGA.

> Try. It will run your machine. NOW, tweak with monitor settings and
> card, one by one.
> Slowly you will come up and swim.

> ------------------------------

> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 21:52:50 +0530
> From: Kalyan Varma Alluri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [LI] Raghavendra Bhat's attacks on PC Quest

> Shanu,
>  I think you should not have posted that mail. OK fine this
> guy is a jerk but we all in the mailing list know about atul and PCQ.
> Let me tell you that I would not have been using linux if not
> for PCQ linux. I mean with out PCQ , linux would not have penetrated
> in India as much as it has now.  And for heavens sake Atul is just 
> his job which he enjoys the most.  I mean atul is the one who
> contributed most to linux community in India than anyone else.
> Ok I think this thread should end here coz we all know in the list
> know whats right and wrong.
> btw shanu do me a favor. kick this guy on his ass in
> the next ilug-cochin meet.

> - - -kalyan

> > Ragu: I dare u to...
> >
> > 1. Refute the fact that *U* have never bothered to read *Atul's*
> > articles on Linux on PC Quest and have not benefited from it!
> >
> > 2. U have opined *me* on more than one occasion to use RedHat Linux
> > because it was simply *superb*! I was on PCQ's Slackware then.
> >
> > 3. When PC Quest came out with RHL 5.2 u used it, liked it and even
> > suggested it to others who were still not on Linux.
> >
> > 4. Duplicated and sold legal copies of RedHat Linux 5.0!
> >
> > 5. You are a well established and official source for PIRATED CD's in
> > Cochin. I still have that bunch of CD's (+40) that u gave it to me for
> > *safe keeping* when NASSCOM was doing the rounds in town! Stallman's
> > *chamcha* does have a dark side eh!
> >
> > Any NASSCOM guys on the list???
> >
> > 6. U have swiped an AMD K6-2/266 from an old man who trusted u to
> > assemble his PC and replaced it with ur plain jane K6/266. U left the
> > VGA card (Matrox G100) alone as it could be noticed easily! Oh, he 
> > the RAM untouched as it would not suit his 66 MHz motherboard.
> >
> > BTW: His processor was an over clocked one!
> >
> > 7. That u overclocked somebody's processor and blew it! Then blamed it
> > on the dealer for selling a junk processor. Everyone knew that it was
> > Ragu's fault but he just wouldn't admit it. Ended up having a tiff 
> > the dealer and the guy who bought the PC.
> >
> > Attitude before the incidence:
> > To the dealer -  The most trustworthy dealer in town
> > To the gentleman who bought the PC - best of buddies
> >
> > Attitude after the incidence:
> > To the dealer - He is a Fu****
> > To the gentleman who bought the PC - He is a Fu****
> >
> > 8. That u have contributed to the growth of ILUG Cochin. All u do is
> > warm the seat and fart a lot!
> >
> > 9. That all uses RHL is a Fu**** and all Debian users are angels!
> >
> > 10. Atul Chitnis is a Fu****
> >
> > 11. I am a Fu****
> >
> > 12. U enjoy being flamed since that makes u *popular* on the list!
> >
> > Perhaps ur wife is not letting u Fu** her! That's we u always seem to
> > act like u have a pineapple down ur ass.

> ------------------------------

> End of Linux India Digest V1 #528
> *********************************

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