My experience after specially buying the magazine because of Corel Linux
is same. Nothing works.

Ritesh Shukla wrote:
>                                 Thank you for ruining a perfect evening !
> Excited knowing that my friend who is a subscriber had received your CD with
> Corel linux we decided to experience its easy installation but you guys are
> morons !!!!! nothing works the cd does not boot ! & can you believe it when
> it is supposed to be creating the boot floppy the floppy drive  is not
> accessed ! ( the light does not glow on the drive, probably a prob with the
> installation program or maybe you guys managed to screw that too! ) I tried
> the dd command under linux but the floppy did not boot ( can some one
> explain that I had set it to vfat in fstab to access a floppy ,what should
> the entry be? )
>                                  I pity my friend who had the CD thrust on
> him cause he is a subscriber & lucky me I didn't buy it cause it had not on
> stand! one question when I buy a mag for the CD ( like in this case ) &
> you'll screw up do I get compensation ( I am sure a good no of linux India
> guys must have done the same thing! ) I used to think that your CDs had it
> all since you even included winzip for dos which was helpful when my
> partition blew up ( thus pls. stick to win or get some one ( plenty of them
> on the linux India grp ) who love linux as I am sure this was done by some
> one who had no love for linux & was forced by the mag to write the CD &
> probably was scared to test it in the comp he was working on ! ) I even dont
> like chip shifting to linux cause I feel they do that since it is the "in
> thing" "keep up with others" & dont miss out on the bus ! The intro by the
> editor Gaurav ( I know I spelled it wrong ) with the linux special was
> applicable to them ! I changed my mind after I met two from the team since
> they like linux & were not being forced! but PC world is another case ! they
> nee to stick to what they know best Win
>                                  I believe so save face hey need to
> compensate for all the CD that they delivered ! MORONS ! nothing is more
> frustrating than to be setting there suffering because of some fools
> mistakes & have your money go down the drain! aren't are politicians enough!
> : )

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