You are not the only one, it happens for new comers. Are you? I am.

Urmil Parikh

> -----Original Message-----
> It seems worth opposing. But, for those new to this concept, it
would be educative if you guys (veterans) can explain the background
of these names (may be just I am the one who doesn'e know the details

> Arun Sharma wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 12:16:31PM +0530, Raj Mathur wrote:
> > >
> > > Can we discuss the possibility of changing the names of
> the groups to
> > > use GNU/Linux instead of Linux?
> >
> > I vote to oppose such a change. This is blatant
> blackmailing on RMS's
> > part.
> >
> >         -Arun

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