Hi Suresh,

I have solved my problem of Ishmail about from address being sent as rajesh@com instead

In Mail settings there is an option for additional mail headers. Here you have to type
the from, reply-to address and other such stuff. I typed 
>From : Rajesh Fowkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To : Rajesh Fowkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

and it works. 

Thanks for all your help during this phase of setting of Ishmail. Mean while I also
tried xfmail but it is buggy. Ishmail is quit good. I downloaded static binaries from
Freshmeat ( for those who want to try Ishmail - X based email client ).

I am sending this mail from Ishmail.

Whenever I get time I will post a comparative article about Kmail, xfmail & Ishmail on
my web site.

Mean while getting ready for the 4 days workshop organised by Gurunandan Bhat. 





Rajesh(ALIAS Shriram)
How I Configured my SiS6215 Card ?Visit:http://rajesh.computers.webjump.com/linux.html

Web Site : http://rajesh.computers.webjump.com/   

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