I don't know whether this a Linux problem, but still ...

I have an assembled machine on which I had installed Redhat 6.1.  I have a
SiS 530 card, and had some problems configuring it initially, but I
finally managed to do it.  

After that: 
1. I started (GNOME for the first time).
2. Ran xmms to play some mp3s I had.
3. Noticed that xmms was somehow making my screen flicker a lot (not
exactly flicker, but lots of lines were being shown across the screen),
and so closed it.
4. Opened an xterm.
5. Was about to type something in it, when "plop!" goes my monitor.  The
indicator light turns from yellow to orange (suspended); and my machine
stops responding.
6. I first thought it was probably a voltage fluctuation (I _do_ have a
CVY, but I don't trust my vendor so much, and so had doubts ...), and so
rebooted the m/c (RESET button).
7. And since then, my machine has never worked.  When it rebooted, the
monitor said that it can't get any video signal.  I checked the cable - it
was fine; then noticed that the CPU was hung - just plain hung.  The
indicators of the HDD and CD were on, and that was it.  It just wouldn't
respond.  (I guess that also explains why the monitor coudln't get any
8. Anyways, just to confirm things, I disabled the HDD and CD (opened the
box up, and disconnected it).  Made no difference to the CPU.  It was
still hung.
9. After that, I adjusted the jumper settings to clear the CMOS.  Still no
use.  Machine was still hung.

I have no idea what could have gone wrong.  I think it is something to do
with the motherboard.  It could have been caused by a voltage fluctuation,
or could have just happend.  I have no idea.

Could anybody out there advise as to what could have gone wrong.
Or atleast advise what I could do abt it - to find out more info.
(If it was caused due to a voltage fluctuation due to the CVT, then I need
to confront my dealer.)

Please help.


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