Madhurjya P. Bora wrote:
> I am using a 3COM US Robotics (Sportstar) data/voice modem (class 2.0,
> 33.6 kbps) to connect to my ISP from my Linux machine (Redhat 6.1). I am
> encounerting problems in sending faxes.

(My incoming mails are stuck due to a prob at, so I don't know if this has already
been answered.)
No idea about the X based front end, but the
following has worked fine for me.

efix -n ~/temp/testfax.%03d < input.txt
efax -o0 -d /dev/modem -t 5551212 ~/temp/testfax.*

Tested on RH 5.2 ,from PCQ March 1999 CD.

- Bhyrav Prasad

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