> ya u can use the windows partition straight, by mounthing it as msdos
> partition.. and if u want it to be mounted on startup.. put its entry in
> /etc/fstab.
this will render linux with a partition where it will be difficult for linux
to provide
file and folder permissions.

> > linux leaving 3 GB for windows. Now, since i dont use windows much most
> > the 3 GB is free but i have a measly 18 mb left in linux
great, try using partition magic to make one partition out of freespace if u
have all 3 mb in
one partition
> >
> > Can i increase the size of the partition? Or, perhaps (ok it sounds
> > use the windows partition directly for linux. For example i could move
> > /usr onto d: and then somehow ask Linux to mount /usr from /dev/hda5 on
if you got a D:, why don't u try removing that altogether and do a
mke2fs /dev/hda5 (hope this is d)
mount this to some mount point say /mnt/usr
move all ur /usr to /mnt/usr
then add the entry in /etc/fstab
/dev/hda5               /usr                       ext2    defaults        1
and reboot

or u could do something else if u created a greater than 128 mb swap
reduce the swap and use the space saved
like boot into single user mode
remove the swap partition
mount it to /usr or /var
create a swap file
    dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/swapfile bs=1024k count=64
    mkswap /tmp/swapfile
reboot the machine

> > booting..something like the way it work on nfs booting of diskless
> > Please forgive me for making an outrageous suggestion but you know how a
> > feels when he gets a "no space left on device" right?
nothing to feel bad about that
find out apps which u may not use and remove
findout the /usr/doc and remove it (the documentation) u can mount the Cd
and read it when
you feel like reading the docs.
make sure u have only the xserver that u are currently using
Jiju Thomas Mathew
Linux registered user #154193 -- http://counter.li.org

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