I just posted similar kind of question and got couple of feedbacks
regarding this.  I use a kmronline account which is smilar to dishnet
isp.  I somehow managed to get connected to the net useing wvdial.  The
steps are detailed in the linux How-to manuals section.  I you happen to
have the pcq redhat 6.1 CD, please go through the sections and check
your configurations
Since dishnet uses PAP for authentication.  Please make sure that there
are proper entries in the pap-secrets file, options file and also.  make
sure that you also specified the correct ip address for dns name
resolving.  the steps have been defined in the how-to manuals.  In case
you are not able to still configure pl let me know, i shall send the
various files by mail.



Ayachit wrote:
>         As was suggested to me, I tried wvdial to connect but still it
> giving problems. It goes fine put carrier detected but then it says
> for prompt ad waits. Then say "Don't know what to do. starting pppd
> hoping for the best". What does this mean? And immedaitely later gets
> disconnected and says pppd demon died. I tried to follow the replies
> to a similar question asked by one vsnl subscriber on the list, but to
> avail.
>         I have an ETH account. So can you again oblige.

I have not worked with wvdial . But if you have KDE on your system try
kppp. Set the authentication method to PAP. Type in the username and
password in the dialog box and then connect. Also do not forget to
include the "noauth" option in /etc/ppp/options. BTW I use an ETH
account and connect using kppp.
- --
Anand Biligiri S
- ----------------
You will forget that you ever knew me.

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