
If these are resource records from the master file for your zone, they need 
the following corrections :

Resource records are supposed to be of the form 
"[name]    [ttl]    address-class   resource-type    resource-data" 
Only the [name] and [ttl] are optional. Which means all entries should 
have the address class "IN" in them. Ignore this comment if you 
stripped it out while including in the message.

>   NS
make the name field as @  - which specifies that you're referring to 
the ORIGIN (the value of which is already in your conf file). If you
want to be explicit, add a "." to the name - i.e make it ""
else the name is assumed to be relative and your origin will be 
appended to it (making it !!)

>   SOA,
Same comment as above - also, you can leave the name fields blank when 
successive records refer to the same name. And SOA records are 
generally followed by a bunch of numbers (Serial,Refresh etc).. I 
assume you have these in your file. (Also field separator between the 
origin and contact_name fields is normally a space/Tab not a comma)

>   MX     (10)
Same problem with the name field - also the data should be either 
simply "lin" or "" (Note the trailing ".")

>   MX     (9)
Same as above. Plus you don't have a server called "mail" defined below ??? 

> lin           A
> localhost     A
> serv          A

These are OK - assuming that your zone name is
> of course i have a reverse lookup zone 

Doesn't help much. Reverse lookup for domains that are small (which 
don't consume less than 256 IP addresses) like yours is a contentious 
issue anyway (asto who will maintain the records).. 
> kindly see if this ok. 

As I mentioned before - Read the DNS-HOW-TO. You'll find it in the 
/usr/doc/HOWTO/ directory of your linux machine (for a RH installation 
- I don't know where other distributions put it)

Also, all the above changes will make only _your_ nameserver function 
right. For your domain to be resolvable by the outside world, the 
parent nameserver (which services your parent domain "") should have a
record pointing to your nameserver. 


P.S. Help save bandwidth by not quoting the entire message when 
replying to a mail. Quote only the relevant parts.

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