Hi all

Installed SuSE6.3 on my system yesterday -- or rather I tried....Using the 
automated install through yast2 in CD1, was able to get the system up and 
running ..but there was a problem with Xwindows(Sis card)...which i finally 
got around by using some help from the ILUG mailing list archives....but still 
there are a couple of doubts...

Seems that u can install SuSE using YAST from the Disk 2 supplied in the box 
which allows custom install...how do u go about this custom install...

Then, a second query...during the installation of the packages, the setuo tool 
never showed an option where u could select the packages u want....in the end, 
the setup hogged all of around 6.something MB...and the only option now seems 
to remove some of the apps...did i miss something or is there someway by which 
u can select the packages u want during install??

Clues will greatly appreciated....

PS>>> Are there any people in the list from Bhubaneswar??



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