
> But i have to test by connecting keysync keyboard which is normally used for palm 
>pc's. It is reading random characters. At a time it is reading two characters for one 
>key press.The characters which it is displaying are not there on that keyboard.

I dont know this keyboard but usually they are delivering two
characters per keypress. When you press a key, you should have
two characters : <keydown code> <keycode> and when you release
the key, you should also get two cahracters : <keyup code>
<keycode>. I'm not sure of the sequence order but it is usually
like that (you can check that since the keycode is the same for
the two sequences).

BTW, you do not get the character which is written on the key
you are pressing but a keycode (also known as scancode) which
is quite universal. This is a "geographical" representation
of the key. This is done like that to allow different keyboard
layouts (read languages) without changing the low level driver
of the keyboard.

Hope this helps,


 | Jean-Marie Bussat - Dept. of physics, Princeton University |
 | CERN/EP - Bldg. 15-S-012 - CH-1211 GENEVA 23 - Switzerland |
 | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                      |
 | Tel: (41 22) 767 32 41              Fax: (41 22) 767 32 41 |

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