Hi, My modem (GVC 33.6 internal with Rockwell chip) is getting disconnected after every 2/3 mins being online. I'm using this modem since 1 year. It used to give a very stable n good throughput. But since yesterday its behaving funnily. Any points to check n rectify the prob. In win98 i c a lot of crc errors. lowering the port speed is only helping in decreasing the crc errors but not solving the disconnection prob. Any help is highly appreciated. BTW, my modem init. string is AT&FX3L2W2S10=200. -- -Sekhar ICQ : 62326948 Web : <http://www.geocities.com/sekharvs/> eMail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LIH is all for free speech. But it was created for a purpose - to help people discuss issues about installing and running Linux. If your messages are counterproductive to this purpose, your privileges to submit messages can and will be revoked.